In the heartland of Africa, a tale unfolds—a captivating narrative of adventure, compassion, and love amidst a world plagued by profound inhumanity and staggering loss. As a water driller, Martin witnesses the ruthless assault on an African tribal village, his swift choices in those pivotal moments not only save his own life but also rescue a young woman from the clutches of danger. Guided by a compass bearing, they embark on a treacherous journey through the untamed bush, where the young woman, bearing the scars of a cruel assault, endures the arduous trek with unwavering determination. On their harrowing path, an unexpected revelation intertwines with the forces of nature, granting them solace and unveiling a discovery that transcends a lifetime. Having fulfilled his promise to ensure the young woman’s safety and well-being, Martin finds himself thrust into turmoil by an overzealous administrator, prompting him to abandon his previous pursuits and return home, seeking solace in retirement. Yet, as ennui sets in and with no news from his injured companion, Martin yearns for a new challenge. Seizing the opportunity, he contacts the archaeology department of a nearby university, sharing the details of his remarkable African discovery and opening a new chapter in his life. His return to Africa sets in motion a series of events with profound consequences, leading to an outcome beyond his wildest imagination. An article in a South African newspaper breathes life back into Martin’s connection with his young companion. Compelled to rekindle their acquaintance, he impulsively boards a flight to rural South Africa. Though physically healed and sheltered by her loving parents, the young woman remains emotionally scarred. Martin recognizes that the promise he made to himself months ago remains unfulfilled, propelling him on yet another journey—one that unfolds amidst the tapestry of love and loss.
The author being born close to London’s main airport and then spending his formative years in a leafy Hampshire town that is home to a major RAF base may be the reason for his chosen trade. At the age of 66 and now retired from a career of nearly five decades in which time the author travelled the world and spent much of that time on the ‘Dark’ continent he finally found the time to fulfil his desire to write a novel. Information gained and stored in his memory of places seen and events witnessed are the basis for this story.