This image is the cover for the book The Cracks in My Bones

The Cracks in My Bones

When I put my hand out

And reached for your smaller, softer hand,

I didn’t expect you to have turned

Your back on me;

To have crushed my soul in one sudden movement.

Why did you turn your back on me?

Even under the sun’s warmth,

You couldn’t see how

Torn, broken, crushed

I was.

You looked right past me,

And suddenly,

I didn’t exist.

How am I supposed to exist

Without you?

How am I supposed to put

One foot in front of the other

And move on?

When all I wanted to do was

Run to you.

My feet were stuck to the ground,

My hands trembling, my eyes watering,

And my heart was breaking.

I never listened to those old love poems,

Yet, you were my love poem.

I just didn’t know it till

You walked away from me.

And those words, those damn words,

Started to choke me.

Alex Price

Alex was born and raised in Ohio and is very fun-loving, easygoing and personable. Alex also loves writing, reading, spending time with friends, and collecting mugs.

Austin Macauley Publishers