This image is the cover for the book Lost Towns of New England, Lost

Lost Towns of New England, Lost

New England is home to abandoned towns and forgotten main streets that once bustled with life and commerce. From villages sunk underwater to cities undone by the rise and fall of mill life, madness or just plain bad luck, these ghost towns offer a unique look into the rich history of the past. Get a glimpse into what early life was really like through historical accounts of abandoned villages. Discover the history behind the ruins of towns like Connecticut's religious community Gay City, the former New Hampshire resort town of Unity Springs and Massachusetts's famed Dogtown--before nature reclaims them entirely. Join local author Renee Mallett as she uncovers the heydays of some of New England's most fascinating lost towns.

Renee Mallett

Renee Mallett is the author of many books about the legends, history and lore of the New England states. Her creative fiction and poetry have been published in a number of literary journals. When not writing, she is the soap maker behind the company Amaranth & Rue and owns Pop Cultured, an independent bookstore located in Lowell, Massachusetts. She holds a bachelor of arts in creative writing and is working on a master's degree in history, and she lives in southern New Hampshire with her family. You can visit this author at her creative space in North Chelmsford's Nova Art Studio or online anytime at

The History Press