This image is the cover for the book The Historic Memorial District of Downtown Indianapolis

The Historic Memorial District of Downtown Indianapolis

Old Indianapolis bears little resemblance to the new one, but Indy's unique trail of war memorials has a powerful way of linking the two. The Soldiers and Sailors Monument is unmistakably emblematic of the Circle City. The Indiana War Memorial, an inexplicably well-kept secret, is the nation's largest memorial established for veterans of the Great War. And the American Legion's National Headquarters in Indianapolis remains a testament to the grit that put the city on the map. Author Rudy Schouten tracks the origins of Indy's monuments and memorials, not just to tell the story of limestone and granite rising out of the ground, but to help make note of the sacrifices that paved a city's trail of gratitude.

Rudy Schouten

Rudy Schouten is a freelance commercial writer focused on developing sales and marketing material, but he enjoys diversions on the side, writing nonfiction of a less business-like nature. The Historic Memorial District of Downtown Indianapolis is the result of his personal interest in the history and evolution of downtown Indianapolis and its landmarks, all of it within walking distance of his upbringing on the near north side of the city. Fueled by the clear images he collected along the way in his old stomping grounds, the book reflects his curiosity over how much downtown Indianapolis has changed and, in a way, how much it hasn't. Rudy and his wife, Cindy, who have raised four children, live on Indy's south side.

The History Press