This image is the cover for the book The Little Worry Warts

The Little Worry Warts

What if a little lightning bug loses her light? What happens when a horsefly lands in a giant web? Do bumblebees lose their stings?

This book addresses the what ifs of life for everyone!

Lexi, Horace, Bella and Gus teach worriers to focus on the positive aspects of life and their friendships in a way that only The Little Worry Warts can.

Melissa Laffey-Flores

Melissa Laffey-Flores is a writer of children’s literature. She spent 20 years in the Air Force and earned a B.F.A. in Creative Writing for Entertainment from Full Sail University. She likes to travel to exotic campgrounds, where she sits around the campfire with her family, making up stories while roasting hotdogs and marshmallows. You can connect with Melissa via email

Austin Macauley Publishers