This image is the cover for the book Two Thousand Miles Below, Classics To Go

Two Thousand Miles Below, Classics To Go

Rawson learns to his cost that the life-spark of a fabled race glows in the black heart of a dead, Western volcano. "In the grey darkness the curved fangs of a sabre-toothed tiger gleamed white and ghostly. The man-figure that stood half crouched in the mouth of the cave involuntarily shivered. "Gwanga!" he said. "He goes, too!""(Goodreads)

Charles Willard Diffin

Charles Willard Diffin,(1884-1966) was a US engineer, airplane salesman and writer. He graduated with a degree in analytical chemistry from the University of Buffalo, New York. He was active with Astounding Stories, published by Street & Smith. He was one of the better writers whom Harry Bates encouraged to write for this new magazine first published January 1930.

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