This image is the cover for the book Woman with a Mystery

Woman with a Mystery


A year ago Holly Barrows had raced through a raging snowstorm—convinced someone was trying to kill her—into the arms of SladeRawlins. She'd appeared before him like a beautiful apparition in thedark of night. But she was real, flesh and blood, and his fingers hadmemorized every curve of her body. Then she'd mysteriously vanished,only to return the following Christmas with an outrageous claim ofkidnapping.

COULD THEY HAVE A FUTURE?Monsters, she'd said, had taken her baby. But any baby she'd had wouldalso have been Slade's. And he was consumed by his need to protectHolly and locate their child before the family he desperately wantedwas lost…forever.

B.J. Daniels

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author B.J. Daniels lives in Montana with her husband, Parker, and two springer spaniels. When not writing, she quilts, boats and always has a book or two to read. Contact her at, on Facebook at B.J. Daniels or through her reader group the B.J. Daniels' Big Sky Darlings, and on twitter at bjdanielsauthor.
