This image is the cover for the book Nemesis, Circuit Fae

Nemesis, Circuit Fae

“I found the writing to be on par with Queen [Sarah J. ] Maas and Elise Kova; I recommend this to anyone who enjoys a good fantasy read that steps out of the box and makes a name for itself.”FairestSkyeBooks

What would you do if your beloved girlfriend suddenly became your worst enemy?

That dilemma’s all too real for Syl Skye, the last princess of the fair Fae.Even though Syl is all things sun and Summer, she’s drawn to her polar opposite, Rouen Rivoche, the dark Fae princess-assassin of the Winter Court.

They should be mortal enemies, but they’re best friends. Girlfriends. In love.

That is, until Roue falls under a dark spell that makes her forget all about Syl, their lives and their love. Now Roue rules Dark Faerie as a cruel and cold Queen. A Circuit Fae who can harness the killing magic in technology, she wants nothing more than to destroy Syl and her fair Fae people.

But when an old enemy brings both Faerie realms to the brink of destruction, only their queens, Syl and Rouen, can save the day—and only if they can put their differences aside for two seconds and team up.

With the clock’s ticking on Syl and Roue’s relationship—not to mention all of Faerie—will Rouen remember the love she and Syl once shared, or is she destined to be Syl’s nemesis forever?

.5. Derailed - The Moribund Prequel Novella
1. Moribund
2. Ouroboros

2.5. Dethroned Novella

3. Inimical

4. Nemesis
5. Eidolon (Fall 2020) – the series finale!

Perfect for readers of romance, urban fantasy, fairy stories and LGBT.

"I recommend Moribund to fans of original fae lore when it comes to their Urban Fantasy cravings, engaging stories about self-discovery while juggling almost-crushing responsibilities, and overcoming adversity in adrenaline-fueling life and death situations. It comes with a good serving of sweet and angstylicious FxF teen romance plus strong, kick-ass (and snarky-ish) heroines you’ll love both as a couple and on their own." - Liv Olteano, author of Thirteen Mercies, Three Kills

“I enjoy young adult books quite a bit, but they'd gotten a bit stale and samey -- so, while you get many of the same beats that we read YA books for, there are some really exciting, unique characters and situations ... it's variety and diversity the genre desperately needs.” - Jay, Goodreads

Genevieve Iseult Eldredge

Raised by witches and dragons in the northern wilds, Genevieve Iseult Eldredge (GIE) writes angsty urban fantasy YA romance--where girls who are mortal enemies kick butt, take names, and fall in love against all odds.

She enjoys long hikes in the woods (where better to find the fair folk?), believing in fairies (in fact, she's clapping right now), dancing with dark elves (always wear your best shoes), being a self-rescuing princess (hello, black belt!), and writing diverse books about teenage girls finding love, romance, and their own inner power.

She might be planning high tea at the Fae Court right now.

GIE is multi-published, and in her role as an editor has helped hundreds of authors make their dream of being published a reality.

See why GIE's fans say she does "a fabulous job bringing the story to life" as a "master of world building," who is "well-versed in the craft of writing," and "stellar" at "writing for the broader community."

Follow GIE
Facebook: Genevieve Iseult Eldredge – Author
Twitter: @girlyengine

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Derailed (a Moribund prequel)

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