My clients over the years have repeatedly asked for an easy-to-read book, saying, “We want to take home what’s in your head.” So this is an everyday-language explanation of all things Aspie, written for Aspies and non-Aspies. Aspies repeatedly ask me to explain how non-Aspies think and work, and neurotypicals are often confused by Aspies. Many interesting case studies and illustrations (it is said that a picture is worth a thousand words) are included to aid these social understandings and interactions. Each chapter is self-contained, so that a reader can quickly get answers and tools in an overall synopsis contained in one section. The last chapter is a show-case collection of individual personal stories and expressions. The Aspie Book is written in non-academic language as much as possible, but also tries to demystify the academic language often used on this topic.
Dee Jones is a counsellor for nearly 30 years, and is also a specialist consultant, researcher and speaker around any ASD [Autism Spectrum Disorder or “Aspie”], or also known as ASC [Autism Spectrum Condition], work. She has worked with thousands of people over these years, and has never stopped her research into the area. She is also a mother and now a grandmother, a poetess, additionally, she once wrote a musical too. She loves reading, swimming, walking, socialising with friends, going to the theatre, writing stories and having time with her family. A Kiwi, she has jumped the ditch, and now lives in Brisbane, Australia.