This image is the cover for the book Beyond My Yesterdays

Beyond My Yesterdays

A faith-based journey of the heart as a woman seeks healing from a troubled past by looking to one of the Bible’s most misunderstood characters.

While many have written about healing in the aftermath of divorce, few have opened their hearts as fully as Jeannie Keneley does in Beyond My Yesterdays. With generosity and candor, Jeannie gives us insight into her private world of devastation and hope in the process of healing from abuse, betrayal, and abandonment.

A successful entrepreneur who built and sold four interior design businesses over the course of her career, Jeannie is now a full-time Christian author and speaker with a passionate heart for those who hurt, and an encouraging message for those who finds themselves lonely and lost in life. For at the same time Jeannie was reaching the heights of professional success, she kept making wrong turns in her search for personal happiness. After three destructive marriages and divorces, Jeannie finally came to the end of her “dark night of the soul” and found her answers in the arms of her Creator.

In Beyond My Yesterdays, Jeannie explores the biblical story of the Woman at the Well. She shares a story of two women separated by two thousand years, yet intrinsically bonded by one shared experience. As we look at these women, our eyes are opened to new insights and truths of the magnificent power of healing through God’s amazing grace.

Jeannie Keneley

Jeannie Keneley has enjoyed an entrepreneurial career spanning more than 20 years in the Interior Design field. Over her career, Jeannie has built and sold four small businesses, counting several nationwide corporations as well as residential homeowners among her clients. Jeannie's commitment to professionalism, integrity, and her community has earned her the reputation of being a sought-after designer, and trusted businessperson. In spite of her success in the business world, the happiness of a successful and fulfilling marriage eluded Jeannie for many years. It was through this personal journey that she calls the ""dark night of my soul"" which included three destructive marriages and divorces that Jeannie finally came to the end of herself and found her answers in the arms of her Creator. Jeannie now is a full-time Christian author and speaker with a passionate heart for the hurting, and an encouraging message for anyone that finds themselves lonely and lost in the process of life.

Morgan James Publishing