> Detective Inspector Ron Scott of K Division, Greenock, Police Scotland, and his team are investigating a series of murders committed by a killer they are calling ‘The Gardener.’ > > Curiously, the victims have been murdered by a perpetrator who uses common garden tools as his weapons of choice. In addition, a four-year-old girl has been brazenly abducted from a shopping mall by a man, in full sight of security cameras. > > Greenock police have a lot on their hands, and time is of the essence.
Callum Dalziel is a new author who resides in Inverclyde, Scotland, where hisprotagonist, Detective Inspector Ron Scott, operates out of Greenock policestation. Callum is an avid reader of books in the genre ‘Tartan Noir’ and felt thatInverclyde had been neglected as a geographical setting for a crime novel.