Deep in the heart of Heartland lives Ruby Valentine and her trusty parrot Lovebird. Ruby's favorite day of the year is Valentine's Day—she loves to say "I love you" and make cards and treats to deliver to everyone in her town. But Ruby is so exhausted that she sleeps right through the holiday. Although Ruby is worried that she'll have to wait a whole year to tell everyone that she loves them, Lovebird convinces her to deliver her treats and messages of love even though they're a day late. To Ruby's surprise, no one minds.
Lynne Avril grew up in Montana, but she has lived in Arizona for a long time. Lynne knew she would always be an artist, but when she was younger her other passion was for horses. As an adult, her other passion is playing the bass in blues bands. Lynne received a BA in Art from the University of Montana in Missoula, got married, has two grown children, and likes to spend as much time as possible in Paris, France.