This image is the cover for the book Hail to the Chin

Hail to the Chin

New York Times bestseller

Introduction by New York Times bestselling author and famous minor television personality John Hodgman

One of my dad’s favorite jokes about getting older was: “I went out for coffee when I was twenty-one and when I got back I was fifty-eight!”

I get what he meant now. Time flies. My first book, If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a "B" Movie Actor, was published back in 2001 and it chronicles the adventures of a “mid-grade, kind of hammy actor" (my words), cutting his teeth on exploitation movies far removed from mainstream Hollywood.

This next book, an “Act II” if you will, could be considered my “maturing years” in show business, when I began to say “no” more often and gravitated toward self-generated material. Taking stock in the overall quality of my life, I fled Los Angeles and moved to a remote part of Oregon to renew, regroup and reload.

If that sounds tame, the journey from Evil Dead to Spider-Man to Burn Notice was long, with plenty of adventures/mishaps along the way. I never pictured myself hovering above Baghdad in a Blackhawk helicopter, facing a pack of wild dogs in Bulgaria, or playing an aging Elvis Presley with cancer on his penis - how can you predict this stuff? The sheer lunacy of show business is part of the fun for me and I hope you'll come along for the ride.

– Bruce “Don’t Call Me Ash” Campbell

Bruce Campbell, Craig Sanborn, John Hodgman

In 1979 with Sam Raimi and Rob Tapert, Bruce Campbell filmed the Evil Dead, in which he starred and co-executive produced. Stephen King dubbed it “the most ferociously original horror film of the year." Bruce has written back-to-back New York Times bestsellers, appeared in all three Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man movies, and in 2013, he completed a seven-year run on Burn Notice, USA’s #1 show on cable. In 2016, he completed the second season of Ash Vs. Evil Dead TV series on Starz.

Hail to the Chin co-author Craig “Kif” Sanborn has been working with Bruce Campbell for more than twenty years, contributing artwork and humor for all of Campbell’s self-referential works, including If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a “B” Movie Actor, the novel Make Love! the Bruce Campbell Way, the feature film My Name Is Bruce, and Campbell’s own social media persona.

St. Martin’s Press