This image is the cover for the book Collected Fiction

Collected Fiction

Three acclaimed novels plus collected short fiction by the New York Times–bestselling author of Rich Man, Poor Man.

The Young Lions: Irwin Shaw’s New York Times–bestselling debut is widely considered one of the four great World War II novels, along with From Here to Eternity, The Naked and the Dead, and The Caine Mutiny. Ambitious in its scope and robust in its prose, this “masterpiece” is also deeply humanistic, presenting the reality of war as seen through the eyes of three ordinary soldiers: a Nazi sergeant, a Jewish American infantryman, and an idealistic urbanite from New York City (TheBoston Globe).

Bread Upon the Waters: No good deed goes unpunished? The Strands are a happy family, though not without their financial struggles. When their daughter helps a mugging victim by bringing him home, he turns out to be a Wall Street lawyer whose gratitude is as boundless as his bank account. But with each successive “reward,” the Strand family moves farther away from the wealth of happiness they already possessed.

Short Stories: Five Decades: Shaw’s prolific output of short stories appeared regularly in the pages of the New Yorker and Esquire for over half a century. These sixty-three stories include such iconic works as “The Eighty-Yard Run” and “The Girls in Their Summer Dresses.”

The Troubled Air: Five employees of Clement Archer’s popular radio show are accused Communists. He will have to fire them to keep his show on the air. But it’s not a simple choice—whatever Archer decides, he won’t be able to keep his hands clean, in Shaw’s provocative classic about courage and morality at the height of McCarthyism.

Irwin Shaw

Irwin Shaw (1913–1984) was an acclaimed, award-winning author who grew up in New York City and graduated from Brooklyn College in 1934. His first play, Bury the Dead (1936), has become an anti-war classic. He went on to write several more plays, more than a dozen screenplays, two works of nonfiction, dozens of short stories (for which he won two O. Henry awards), and twelve novels, including The Young Lions (1948) and Rich Man, Poor Man (1970). William Goldman, author of Temple of Gold and Marathon Man, says of Shaw: “He is one of the great storytellers and a pleasure to read.” For more about Shaw’s life and work, visit

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