This image is the cover for the book Simplify Your Space

Simplify Your Space

Practical tips for organizing the spaces in your home help meet the needs for order in life.

Would you like to clear out some of the clutter in your home? Do you ever wonder where all this stuff has come from feeling like things have maybe gotten a bit out of control? Join Marcia Ramsland, the organizing pro, as she leads you in a room-by-room approach to simplifying your home and office.

Simplifying your space is the process of organizing your belongings and letting go of the excess until your surroundings are peaceful and in order. Using the CALM approach; C=Create a Plan, A=Approach it by Sections, L=Lighten up and Let Go, and M=Manage it Simply; Marcia guides readers in creating a more stress-free life. Includes 52 space saving tips, checklists, helpful diagrams, and even decorating ideas!

Marcia Ramsland

Marcia Ramsland, well known as The Organizing Pro for her practical skills and tips to manage busy lives, has been a professional organizer since 1985. She is a highly sought-after speaker and personal consultant, appears on TV and radio, and has tips in national magazines. The author of Simplify Your Lifeand Simplify Your Time, Marcia just recently reorganized the spaces in her home by relocating from San Diego to Dallas.

Thomas Nelson