In Starnberg Series: Book 3 - Give Me Time, the story unfolds around Leonie Brandt, a nineteen-year-old aspiring artist and theatre designer, daughter of the Cooper-Nyman’s housekeeper. Her life takes an intriguing turn when she meets the accomplished young director, Pia Hartmann. Despite an undeniable attraction, Pia hesitates, finding Leonie too youthful for romance. As Leonie starts her career, their paths cross intermittently, sparking a tumultuous mix of longing and frustration. Leonie’s journey into romantic relationships between women begins under the mentorship of an older companion, leading her into a passionate affair with the enchanting opera singer, Thea Doukas. Meanwhile, Pia, trapped in a lackluster relationship, yearns for the bond she once shared with Leonie. As Leonie matures and becomes entrenched in the world of theatre and opera, both women navigate the complexities of their desires and careers. Pia finds herself struggling to break free from her unsatisfactory relationship in hopes of rekindling what she and Leonie once had. With emotions running high and ambitions at stake, the question remains: Have they missed their moment, or is a shared future still within reach? This third installment of The Starnberg Series delves deep into the emotional whirlpool of sex, love, and ambition, capturing the essence of youthful aspiration and the trials of the heart.
Fran Annaford is involved in the entertainment business. At the age of eight, she wanted to be a famous writer. This ambition was dropped in favour of being the world’s expert on the Venerable Bede of Jarrow. That didn’t happen either. Many years later, COVID-19-induced inactivity led to hours spent on the laptop, and the eight-part Starnberg Series was conceived and written. Give Me Time follows If Time Were Not a Moving Thing and You Don’t Own Me.