This image is the cover for the book Ventitre Viaggi

Ventitre Viaggi

The two renegade roustabouts from California, long-haired motorcyclists simply in search of adventure, were not initially well liked as they traversed the other states of the West during the summer of 1971. That meant that every new day they had to prove themselves anew to each new boss, as they worked a variety of odd jobs, to buy food, and to survive. All those efforts brought to them resilience, speed, grit, and the ability to pivot quickly when needed.

Dominic M. Martin

As Dominic M. Martin was born in Los Angeles before the baseball Dodgers arrived, he grew up enjoying body surfing, deep-sea fishing, farming, and yes, baseball.

Since his parents planted Valencia oranges, it was natural that for close to 40 years he would grow wine grapes and make wine commercially. After that for 12 years, he taught winemaking and vineyard management at three colleges in Kansas and New York.

Austin Macauley Publishers