This image is the cover for the book Quick Steps to Direct Selling Success

Quick Steps to Direct Selling Success

Quick Steps to Direct Selling Success tells you everything you need to know about direct selling, including network marketing. Discover how Jimmy Smith, a former butcher of 40 years earning $10,000 a year, at age 74, transformed his life. Now, at 82, Jimmy earns $15,000 a day and has a downline of 400,000 people growing at 400 plus people a day. In Jimmy’s rags-to-riches story, you learn Jimmy’s secrets of network marketing success that has made him over $5 million per year and over $20 million in the last 4 years. You are shown step-by-step how he followed the same path of other top successes. What you’ll hear will tear down conventional wisdom on how to make money, especially in direct selling. Gary Spirer, the author, compares Jimmy’s strategies and techniques to other great wealth builders, revealing how achieving wealth is predictable and achievable. Discover the steps to the 7 Steps to Wealth all successful entrepreneurs take, Choose the right direct selling company, Implement top distributors’ secrets, Reach a worldwide audience who wants to buy what you have, Expand your downline using the Internet, social media, and vague connections, Pick 5 superstar sellers who’ll explode the growth of your downline, Choose companies with the best compensation plans, and Master the Jimmy Smith 3-Step System to close any sale.

Gary Spirer

Gary Spirer has spent the past 30 years in the upper echelons of business.  In his illustrious career, he has been involved in various aspects of business including real estate, investment banking, publishing, teaching, and entertainment. Gary is both a student of business and a practitioner, who has made millions of dollars in a variety of business ventures.  Gary also knows and has worked with many leading business figures throughout the world. Gary began his distinguished career at Lazard Frères, the prestigious investment-banking firm, and then went on to found his real estate company, Capital Hill Realty.  In real estate, Gary has developed, syndicated, and invested in properties that in today’s value, aggregate over $500 million. In 1981, Gary started Capital Hill Group, Inc., a boutique investment-banking firm, which is a member of FINRA and is governed by the SEC. Gary has raised over $60 million from individuals and small funds.  He continues to provide investment banking services for emerging growth companies and is considered a leading expert in raising capital for both real estate and small to medium-size companies.

Morgan James Publishing