This image is the cover for the book Getting to Baby

Getting to Baby

THE guidebook for creating a perfect family in a non-perfect world—from budgeting and caregiving issues to managing the emotional highs and lows.

Creating a family in the twenty-first century presents certain challenges: career couples are waiting longer and discovering infertility issues, and gay and lesbian couples are becoming parents through various methods. The authors share their five-year story, struggles, and success of creating a family. This book is designed to aide others who are going through the process of creating a child through alternative means, with a specific intent of providing shortcuts in time, emotions, and money.

“Shares the personal experiences of Victoria and Jennifer . . . a must read for anyone experiencing challenges in creating their family.” —James B. Outman, Fellow of the American Academy of Adoption Attorneys

Victoria Collier, Jennifer Collier

Victoria Collier is a lawyer, business owner, author, entrepreneur, and mother of twins. Jennifer Collier is a lawyer who was working as an Assistant District Attorney until the birth of her twins. Through their journey to have children, enduring fertility treatments, putting themselves out there for adoption possibilities, and ultimately being successful through the use of surrogacy, Victoria and Jennifer have gained invaluable life experiences they can share with others to reduce stress, minimize cost, and create the family you want in a shorter period of time.
