This image is the cover for the book Colorful Characters of Pittsburgh

Colorful Characters of Pittsburgh

Beyond the world famous artists, singers, actors and more from Pittsburgh are the city's celebrities known locally for their quirky style, unique mannerisms, and outlandish behavior.

From Joe Barker, the violent "street preacher" who was elected mayor in 1850--while in prison!--to Curt Wootton, the comedian whose celebrity status comes from being "Pittsburgh Dad," on Youtube, the Steel City has had a number of colorful characters throughout its history that defy category.

Paul King

Paul King is the author of Iconic Pittsburgh: The City's 30 Most Memorable People, Places and Things . Paul is a native of Pittsburgh, raised on Mount Washington with a grand view of the three rivers, Point State Park, the Northside and the downtown skyline. A graduate of Duquesne University, he has been a journalist for more than forty years. He currently lives in Williston, Vermont, with his wife, Karen, but Pittsburgh will always be "home."

The History Press