This image is the cover for the book Supernaturalis Mortem

Supernaturalis Mortem

In the year A.D. 390, magic is both omnipresent and feared in newly Christian Rome. In an effort to revive their faith, three witches cast a curse on local leaders of the Empire’s new religion, subjecting them to demonic hauntings, possessions, and eventual death. Will the Iracundus family be able to survive the witches’ curse? Can the witches succeed in their quest for revenge?

Medea has always cherished her witch heritage, despite her family’s mistreatment of her. When her mother and grandmother decide to take action against the town’s mistreatment of them and their fellow believers, Medea initially supports their cause. However, when they unveil their plan for vengeance, Medea begins to question the morality of their actions.

As Medea attempts to convince her family to see reason and find a way to satisfy their desire for justice without resorting to revenge, she must navigate a difficult path that will affect not only herself but also her family, enemies, and the entire town.

Nick Sutcliffe

Growing up about an hour north of Toronto, Nick Sutcliffe led the life of the typical high school loser. This in turn led him to delve into reading and writing fantasy as a means to escape the mundane boredom of daily life. Going to school for drama in Windsor, Nick found solider footing as he forged his path as an entertainer, writer and the self-proclaimed king of procrastinators.

Austin Macauley Publishers