Robert Knight is a member of a powerful supernatural race known as the Jinn. Viewed as a threat by the rest of the supernatural world, the Jinn have been hunted into near extinction. When he and the last remaining members of his family are forced to flee for their lives, Robert decides that the time has come to try and overturn the millennia of hatred against his people and secure his family’s survival by establishing a spirit of friendship and trust. But with fanatical zealots hunting him at every turn, will Robert be able to convince anyone that the ancient crusade against his people is a war that should be left in the past? The Jinn Knight is a story of chivalry, honour and integrity as one man fights for survival and acceptance within the supernatural community. Supernatural races, both more and less widely known, strive to bring about a better future, or to complete a centuries long quest for genocide.
Born in Essex, Ian Banks now lives with his wife and children on the Essex coast. He originally studied law and now works in complaints handling and dispute resolution. Growing up in the nineties, he was a fan of a range of supernatural fiction and aspired to create his own, paying particular focus to supernatural figures which appeared less frequently within fiction. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he decided to put pen to paper and make that dream a reality.