This image is the cover for the book The Worry Stone

The Worry Stone

The growing romantic friendship between Jane and David in a small town of Northern Ireland, in the 1990s, is jeopardised when they disturb two ancient Celtic lovers, Diarmuid and Grainne. These lovers fled long ago from the High King of Ireland, Grainne’s husband, and rested on ancient sites throughout the island in their flight. They attempt to return to living and loving through the two teenagers who carry on their normal lives until the situation becomes desperate and, with the help of friends, the long-dead lovers are laid to rest for ever.

Kate Spillane

Kate Spillane made her home in Northern Ireland longer ago than she cares to remember. She loves it and its idiosyncrasies. She spent many years setting up and running Open Arts, an arts and disability organisation based in Belfast, which engages with disabled people in the fields of creative writing, drama, music, dance and visual arts.

Austin Macauley Publishers