This image is the cover for the book The Underwater Bunch

The Underwater Bunch

A series of short stories for young children and self-readers. Do you really know about the sea creatures that live in the sea and oceans? Come and meet The Underwater Bunch and share some of their adventures. Enjoy listening and reading their stories, as well as learning a few fun facts about each sea creature! Meet Ozzie Octopus, who saves the underwater bunch from the fisherman’s net or Lenny Lobster doing his bit to save the ocean from pollution and litter. You can even watch Tilly Turtle and Walter Whale play tennis underwater! Candice Clam finds treasure in the old shipwreck but is frightened by an eerie ghostly figure. Poor Candice Clam! Or you can go to school with Freddie Fish at the Underwater School. But beware of Ms Florence Fish, the school teacher; she is certainly a formidable force to be reckoned with! One look from her quells any misbehaving sea creature to a shivering and shaking mass! Yes… the Underwater Bunch even go to school just like you. Learn how Sammy Sea Lion was rescued by Shamus Shark from a barrage of human litter. He was one lucky little calf. And I suggest you don’t cross Jemina Jellyfish or you may feel her sting! Ouch ouch ouch!

Denise Popat

As a retired nursery/infant and Special needs teacher, the author has written these stories to help aid the classroom teacher with delivery of topic and for young children to explore sea creatures in our oceans and seas. The stories promote care and consideration for ocean life and help young children be aware of the dangers of pollution in our oceans. The author hopes young children will be inspired to find out more about the individual sea creatures after learning a few fun facts in the stories as well as enjoy the stories.