This image is the cover for the book The Four Princesses

The Four Princesses

The Four Princesses shares an exciting story about Grace, Faith, Joy and Hope. These princesses, daughters of the Great King, discover they were each created with a gift to be used for His purpose. Read along as the King's plan unfolds to free His people from the evil Prince Fear who has held their village captive for too long. The four princesses will use their gifts to change the lives of every person they come in contact with. Will the difference in the hearts of the Milkman, Baker and the Butcher be enough to reveal the truth to the townspeople and free this whole community? Will they realize the King has a plan and purpose for each of them as well? The Four Princesses will reveal that our King has placed gifts within each of us to be used for His purposes. When we use our gifts daily, we can change the hearts of many.

Jackie Gaskins

Born in Brownsburg, Indiana, and now living in Gainesville, Georgia, with her husband, four daughters, a son, two dogs, and two guinea pigs, Jackie Gaskins has always had a passion for and gift with children. Over the past sixteen years, she has been a nanny for several wonderful families. Her first children's book, "The Four Princesses" came to Jackie one night in August of 2007. As she slept, she literally heard the Lord telling her the story over and over again. As she was typing the manuscript, she did not have to think for one word on her own as the story flowed from her heart, and by the time her husband's alarm rang at 6:00 a.m., the book was done.

BQB Publishing