This image is the cover for the book Octavia and Her Friends Save the Sea

Octavia and Her Friends Save the Sea

Octavia is a friend of George, the shark. She is very upset about the rubbish in the sea as she has lost many friends to it.
She meets her friend, George, who has got stuck in a reef. Octavia tries pulling and pushing, but he is stuck fast. Octavia gets him to wriggle while she pulls and eventually he gets free. When they are both away from the reef, they notice an oil drum. George thinks it should go back to the humans.
When the humans come back with more rubbish, Octavia gets all the fish and throws it back using their fins and tails. The humans give up and go away. The fish have a party and wish that all the humans take home all of their rubbish so the fish don’t lose any more of their friends.

Izzy Wilson

Izzy was born in Banbury, Oxfordshire. She is married and has one daughter. She moved to Yate near Bristol and then to St Austell Cornwall where she made many friends. Now she lives in a village close to Buckingham. She goes to the Shelswell churches and helps out there and also helps with the local school. She loves animals and has two cats and sees plenty of wildlife where she lives.