This image is the cover for the book 4: A Morbid Love Story

4: A Morbid Love Story

Brian is from a very powerful family in Washington. Like most young adults, his idea of Los Angeles is distorted and self-indulgent. Since Brian’s birth, he has been considered by many as being one of the chosen. This makes him a target for enemies and the spiritual world.

Brian meets a realtor with a past. A dark past, and an ambitious future. Against his father's wishes, Brian wants to experience life and create his own destiny. He delves in alcohol, success, money, and women. Brian finds Sondra, his true love. After her disappearance, many questions arise. He becomes obsessed with Sondra and destroying the people who influenced her.

Brian is morally tested as he spins into a demonic world influenced by an Anti-Christ.

For such an ambitious and influential man, they will not stop until they have Brian and control his destiny.

Michael Eicherly

Mike Eicherly was born in Garden Grove California, January 10th, 1969. He currently lives in the Mission District of San Gabriel, California. Together, he and his wife have three children. His passions are horror films, love stories, music, books, cashmere socks, family and Lucky Baldwin Pubs.

Austin Macauley Publishers