This image is the cover for the book Areus


Embark on the captivating journey of Areus, a brilliant Greek linguist whose life unfolds like an epic odyssey. From his early romances to ageless adventures, Areus’ charm knows no bounds, captivating women from his youth at 17 to the seasoned age of 75. His linguistic prowess opens doors to international business ventures across continents, blending professionalism with a thirst for challenge. At 19, he achieves incredible feats in a Danish lunatic asylum, later managing a five-star hotel and pioneering business ventures in the Emirates. Areus becomes a jeweller in the Middle East, selling exquisite gems to sheikhs, a football agent, and a high-stakes player in the Monte Carlo Casino. His entrepreneurial spirit takes him to the stock exchange as the owner of a public company, and he establishes restaurant and fitness centre chains in China. In the heart of China, where Alexander the Great’s legacy lingers, Areus finds himself drawn into a unique responsibility, intertwining his fate with young virgin girls to preserve a lineage reminiscent of the ancient conqueror. However, tragedy befalls him in Libya during an oil trade pursuit, as the Wagner Group abducts him, erasing his identity during 12 harrowing years in the desert. Yet, amidst the shadows, a poignant twist awaits. Areus, once lost in the abyss of memory loss, reunites with his family in a tragic yet ultimately joyous conclusion. The resilient linguist triumphs over adversity, piecing together the fragments of his past for a bittersweet resolution that underscores the enduring strength of the human spirit.

Mike Dramytinos

Mike Dramytinos is a man of relentless ambition and ceaseless adventure, a true embodiment of daring spirit. Whether it’s conquering the business world, the thrill of love, a fierce game of tennis, the rush of swimming, or the exhilaration of hiking, Mike seizes every moment with unwavering enthusiasm. He lives by his father’s wisdom: ‘Be a refuse collector, but be THE Number One, the best,’ and that ethos has guided his extraordinary life. In his diverse and vast business pursuits, he’s consistently achieved the top spot. But Mike’s appreciation extends beyond the boardroom; he holds a deep respect and admiration for women of all shapes, sizes, and ages, recognising the profound beauty in diversity. A true gentleman and bon viveur, he understands that life without the company of these extraordinary individuals is mundane. In Areus, Mike Dramytinos’ literary debut, his unyielding spirit shines through, daring readers to embrace life’s adventures.

Austin Macauley Publishers