This image is the cover for the book The Women of Tamarinda

The Women of Tamarinda

Karensa is just sixteen when the opportunity to follow her dream of travelling and adventure is offered her by the mysterious Christian Hunter. She soon finds that dreams can be shattered and that she is ill-prepared to face the horrors and reality of life on a Caribbean island plantation. The history of past mistresses of Tamarinda come to life, most notably Sophia, the beautiful wayward daughter of the owner of a neighbouring plantation, Sophia whom Christian had loved. The real ruler of Tamarinda was Jubilee, the formidable keeper of secrets and maker of mischief that affect all who cross her evil path. But will she meet her match in Karensa? Will peace and justice come to the women, past and present, who have lived in Tamarinda and the island it has stood on for generations?

Anne Tallents

Anne Tallents was born in Sheffield but grew up and worked in London. She moved to Cornwall with her four children many years ago. She lives by the sea; travelling has taken up most of her time in later years and she especially loves Asia.

Austin Macauley Publishers