This image is the cover for the book Secret Sin

Secret Sin

Secret Sin: When God's People Choose Abortion was written because abortion is one of the last great secret sins that remains "in the closet." And because the Church hasn't been aware of the magnitude of this secret sin or how it affects those it touches, the Church has done little or nothing to help these people suffering silently in their midst to find healing in Christ. This book was written to pull back the curtain giving those within the Church an inside look into the world of the post-abortive Christian with the intent of spurring them on to begin reaching out to these hurting people with the compassion of Christ.

Mary Comm

Mary Comm is the Founder and Director of In Our Midst Ministries and A Safe Place Abortion Recovery Center. She is the author of Secret Sin: When God's People Choose Abortion, an insightful look into the issue of abortion as it relates to Christians and the church today. Mary resides in Loveland, Colorado with her husband and two children.

Morgan James Publishing