In this mystery set in 1960s France, a rural police inspector investigates three dead Moroccans, two assaulted cops, and one enigmatic lawyer.
Picardie, 1964. On a deserted country road, three Moroccan nationals are shot dead with precision, a cold-blooded execution, one bullet each. To Inspector Lucas Rocco, it’s a mystery. Why them and why here?
A short time later, he happens upon two police officers who have been assaulted by an enraged motorist, one of them seriously. The unapologetic assailant, found to have an unregistered gun in his possession, claims to be the secretary of a high-profile and influential Parisian lawyer, Guy De Lancourt.
The two cases seemingly have nothing in common. But on closer examination Rocco feels something isn’t quite right. Just what lies beneath De Lancourt’s carefully-cultivated public persona? And what secrets are hidden at Les Cyprès, the heavily-guarded former mental asylum that De Lancourt has made his home?
Perfect for fans of Martin Walker, Donna Leon, and Georges Simenon.Adrian Magson is an experienced author of crime and spy novels, including the Harry Tate series and the Inspector Lucas Rocco crime thrillers. He also has countless short stories and articles in national and international magazines to his name plus a non-fiction work: Write On! – the Writer’s Help Book. Adrian lives in the Forest of Dean, and rumours that he is building a nuclear bunker are unfounded. It is in fact, a bird table.