University on Watch is a story about youthful hope, yearning for more, triumph over failures, and mistakes beyond our own control and doing. The book is a native story to New York, but couldn’t be more otherworldly, at times supernatural, and grippingly suspenseful as the book unfolds. The crisis in the academy, or New London University, is one that goes to the very epicenter of higher learning and education. This crisis also is imagined, created by the mind of J. Peters, a student rejected from the graduate school in English at New London University. J. Peters will do everything in his power to uncover the reason for his rejection to move on to higher learning and graduate school. Through uncovering the root of power in language, something J. Peters calls meta-power, this student stops at nothing to hold the university officials, department offices, and community at large accountable for terminating his education prematurely. Mr. Peters will travel across New York State, visiting friends, loved ones, and old friends from his past to challenge the events unfolding in his college and in the department office at New London. There, he will undergo another transformation, as he contests the admission decision to the very end, putting his health and life at risk forever.
J. Peter’s battle with schizophrenia began in his last semester of college at New London University. He was discharged from Greater Liberty State Hospital Center in July 2008, after spending six months there. His recovery was swift, but not painless, and certainly difficult. Today, he teaches Family Oriented Therapy to social work students at Fordham University’s Lincoln Center campus in Manhattan and blogs daily on his site and for Mr. Peters has published several journal articles on recovery and mental health, is a board member of the newspaper CITY VOICES,, and currently is a member of the CAB committee (Consumer Advisory Board) for the Department of Mental Health and Hygiene in NYC. He also participates regularly with the RAC (Regional Advisory Committee) for the Office of Mental Health (OMH) as a peer advocate.