This image is the cover for the book Mr Mouse and His Gigantic Extended Family

Mr Mouse and His Gigantic Extended Family

‘Oh, that smells SOOOOOO good. I need it now. Will anybody know if a small chunk goes?’ If youwere as small as a mouse, what would you get up to? Come meet Mr Mouse, his family and friends, like Mr Mole who lives in a hole, or the busy bees who like eating, come see. Or even the woodpecker family Tom, Dick and Harry. We could go on and on and on, but instead, come join in with the fun and find out what adventures they will get up to next.

Sandra Marie Rorie

Sandra has three kids who are grown now and many pets from no legs to four. At school the teacher would write in her report, ‘Sandra is a pleasant child, but a day dreamer and the class clown.’ Not much has changed, not even her height. She is like a magnet to kids and loves to have fun almost as much as they do. Sandra’s stories have been included in children’s TV programmes broadcast in multiple countries and accessed online internationally. Her books are a lovely way to introduce your child to reading, imagining, and opening up the opportunity to explore the choices we make.

Austin Macauley Publishers