This image is the cover for the book Frédéric and the Bone Suckers

Frédéric and the Bone Suckers

In France, in the last century, it was not easy to be a frog. Quite apart from the general Gallic urge to consume the legs of you and your friends, there existed a foul group called the Bone Suckers who actively hunted wild frogs and fed them up while devising cruel ways to enlarge those juicy legs. Then they ate you. There were also, of course, the frog circuses, which were all both fiercely competitive and also always on the lookout for new performers – they were not a particularly loveable bunch either. So you needed to be permanently on the alert, as enemies were never too far away. Imagine just how much worse yet your life might be if you had other personal problems too! Imagine that you were frightened of water! That would never happen, would it? To a frog? Well, you know, it isn’t impossible. Bone Suckers, frog circuses and water could make life pretty tricky for a 20th century frog.

Alasdair Romanes

Austin Macauley Publishers