This image is the cover for the book Soul Sense

Soul Sense

From the innovative leadership coach and co-creator of The Moon Project® comes a book about finding your way back to meaning and purpose in work and life.

Through the hundreds of people Adrienne Duffy has guided toward the realization of their full potential, and in the hundreds of workshops she has facilitated, one message has emerged universally over others: “We want something in addition to the achievement of goals and results. We are people who aim high and take risks, but we also long to have meaning and to be grounded. How can we create a more centered, purposeful life and workspace, in this era of constant change, chaos, and minute-by-minute progress?” 

Soul Sense is the answer: Listening to your Soul Call, stoking your Soul Fire, and practicing Soul Care brings depth, growth, and balance. Soul Sense can be thought of as common sense seasoned with the sixth sense. It is what is known as good, and right, and just in one’s personal and professional life, while embracing the powers of intuition that transcend such definitions. Soul Sense is logical and instinctual, practical and untamed. Tuning into and trusting your Soul Sense brings increasing fulfillment to your life, and to the lives of those around you. The courageous choice to honor your Soul Sense, ultimately, is up to you—and it is Duffy’s joy and intention to lead you toward this profound gift. Your Soul Sense awaits . . .

Adrienne Arien Duffy, Phil Cousineau

Adrienne Arlen Duffy, owner and co-founder of Big Futures, Inc., is an innovative leadership coach, speaker, and consultant who works internationally to help individuals, entrepreneurs, corporations and nonprofit organizations achieve greater results and more fulfilling success. With her unique approach, she focuses on vision, strategy and accountability – but to that powerful mix, she adds what she has found to be an essential ingredient: Soul Sense. Additionally, Adrienne leads workshops for hundreds of entrepreneurs quarterly, via her long-term (21-year) alliance as an Associate Coach with The Strategic Coach®. Since the mid-2000s, when she created The Moon Project® with her business partner and husband, Patrick James Duffy, Adrienne has been listening to the stories of the many people she mentors and guides. She has found that leaders and individuals, more than ever before, are looking for a more soulful way to live and lead. A graduate of Northwestern University, Adrienne Arlen Duffy began her adult life as a professional musician, performing in orchestras and studying with noted flute masters. In 2006, she co-produced and composed the music for The Moon Project® Transformentary™ film, which was nominated by the AMPIA for Best Motivational Production. In 2008, the second film in The Moon Project series, Above and Beyond, Exploring the Power of Inspiration in Action was released. In 2007 she composed an album of inspirational music, Moments of Soul. In 1996, she co-authored the book Pathway to Freedom, which provided a roadmap for readers who choose to be entrepreneurial in spirit and in action.

Morgan James Publishing