Have you ever heard someone say ‘I don’t like your attitude!’ or ‘that person has the right attitude’? Maybe these words were said to you? What is meant when ‘attitude’ is referred to in these ways? More fundamentally, what is attitude? Where does it come from and what is its significance? This text addresses these issues and explores the linkage between the diverse stimuli that give rise to attitudes and the action arising (which may be visible or invisible, positive or negative and active or passive). All human beings have attitudes. Attitudes are a significant part of humankind’s framework – not least because they affect behaviour – but attitude is especially significant for Christians. A Christian’s attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus (Philippians 2:5) – but what does that mean? The text explores Christ’s attitude and the consequent daily implications. Our tri-partite human framework and the relationship between all those factors emanating from our soul, spirit and body that combine to produce our personal attitudes are examined. Our behaviour to each other is described and contrasted with the way Christ intends us to be. This leads into an examination of Christ’s on-going attitude to humankind. Using the model provided, readers will be able to assess whether they believe they need to change their attitudes to more precisely reflect the Christian way. This text is potentially transformational in helping people examine and refine their attitudes in Christian service.
An active Christian for many years, Hilton McCann is a keen observer of human behaviour and a student of psychology. His particular interest is attitude – which he regards as the bridge between stimulus and action. In this book, he describes what attitude is, why it matters and its transformational potential. Hilton’s first book reflected his 45-year career in financial services. He has gleaned rich life experiences working abroad in different cultures, traditions and corporate scenarios. Now retired, Hilton lives in rural England with his wife. He is a member of a local church where he worships regularly.