This image is the cover for the book The Story of the Great War, Volume 4 of 8, The World At War

The Story of the Great War, Volume 4 of 8, The World At War

This book is volume four of eight volumes. It covers mainly the air war. The volume covers the 2nd half of 1915 and starts into 1916. The Edith Cavell incident is truly tragic. To paraphrase the quote from the volume, "It wasn't so much a crime as a blunder." The story of the ger battleship "Möwe" is told in detail. She ends up being sunk by British fighters in 1945. The fall of Serbia, Montenegro and Albania is described in great detail. This would prove to be of major historical significance over the future years. The horror of the impact on the civilian population is hard to imagine, as are the massacres of the Armenians.
