So many accounts of the years of the Chinese Cultural Revolution focus on its violence and suffering. In this unusual story, Aili describes a happy early childhood in a community whose way of life, with its beliefs and traditions, had been cultivated through centuries. With equal innocence she is able to carry the reader from the intimacy of bedtime to the spectacle of a public shaming, from the facts of foot binding to the mythology of fishermen. Naïve as she must have been, she has no real understanding of the first irruptions of Mao’s bleak communist philosophy into a stable community, and can only hint at the terror, with its re-education and punishments, which accompanied it.
Aili Gao was born the year Chairman Mao initiated the Cultural Revolution. In her early years, she lived with her grandmother in a remote seaside town, and after that, she was brought up in Beijing. She trained as a traditional Chinese artist. She also produced educational TV programs, provided scripts for animation series, and wrote stories for children. Her husband is English, and since 2000 she has lived in the UK.