This image is the cover for the book The Letter to Philemon, New International Commentary on the New Testament (NICNT)

The Letter to Philemon, New International Commentary on the New Testament (NICNT)

The Academy of Parish Clergy’s 2018 Top Five Reference Books for Parish Ministry

Paul's letter to Philemon carries a strong message of breaking down social barriers and establishing new realities of conduct and fellowship. It is also a disturbing text that has been used to justify slavery. Though brief, Philemon requires close scrutiny.

In this commentary Scot McKnight offers careful textual analysis of Philemon and brings the practice of modern slavery into conversation with the ancient text. Too often, McKnight says, studies of this short letter gloss over the issue of slavery—an issue that must be recognized and dealt with if Christians are to read Philemon faithfully. Pastors and scholars will find in this volume the insight they need to preach and teach this controversial book in meaningful new ways.

Scot McKnight

 Scot McKnight is the Julius R. Mantey Professor of New Testament at Northern Seminary, Lombard, Illinois. His many other books include The Jesus Creed: Loving God, Loving Others; A Community Called Atonement; NIV Application Commentary volumes on Galatians and 1 Peter; and (coedited with James D. G. Dunn) The Historical Jesus in Recent Research. He also writes the award-winning Jesus Creed blog at

William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company