This image is the cover for the book Why Don't Hamsters Fly?

Why Don't Hamsters Fly?

Try placing yourself in the undergrowth and giving yourself a lovely furry body, two cute little ears, two round black, beady eyes and four little paws. Now look up at the sky as a plane flies over your head and imagine what it might be like to be up there and looking down. Wow! While little Henry the hamster really liked the idea, he doesn’t have a mummy or a daddy that can buy a plane ticket, so he has to find another way. But, truthfully, can you imagine a flying hamster? There is one thing that we will learn about Henry as we go with him on his big adventure and that is that he doesn’t give up easily. Unfortunately, the world can be a rather frightening place when you are as small as Henry, but fortunately, he finds a friend in a very unusual place...

Kat Ellis

Born in the central belt of Scotland, our author attributes her love of children’s stories to a mother who always made time to read to her and could bring to life the words upon the page. At the age of 14, she was privileged to study her native language under the guidance of a teacher who recognised in her a love to write and encouraged her in her endeavour to write a play which featured, unsurprisingly, animals that lived in the Arctic Ocean. 20 of her years were spent in South America where she was able to prove for herself that truly children are the same the world over.