This image is the cover for the book When's It Due, Sophie Drew?, The Sophie Drew Series

When's It Due, Sophie Drew?, The Sophie Drew Series

An expectant mom juggles her new man, new mummy friends, and mysterious packages in this charming romantic comedy.

Sophie Drew has been dealt the mother of all surprises—she’s having a baby!

Socializing with other mummies-to-be tempts Sophie into setting up a wish list at a local baby boutique. Although most of the items are unnecessary luxuries, she still finds herself lusting after designer changing bags and hi-tech prams.

When some of the most expensive items from her list start arriving, Sophie thinks her boyfriend Max has been splurging but when he denies it, Sophie is surprised.

Sophie is determined to find out who is sending the gifts and why. Will she find the answer she is looking for and can Sophie finally have everything she ever hoped for?

A heart-warming look at life, When’s It Due, Sophie Drew? explores the emotional aspects of trying to conceive and being pregnant with sensitivity and humor.

When’s It Due, Sophie Drew? is the perfect read for fans of books like Bridget Jones’s Diary as well as for readers of authors like Sue Roberts, Marian Keyes and Sarah Morgan. It can be read as part of the Sophie Drew series or enjoyed as a brilliant stand-alone read.

Katey Lovell

Originally from South Wales, Katey Lovell lives in Sheffield with her husband, son and two demanding cats. When she's not busy writing Katey spends her time crafting, gardening, going to gigs and reading anything she can lay her hands on. Katey has previous had books published by HarperImpusle and Quercus. Her brilliant trilogy will be published by Bloodhound Books in 2021.

Bloodhound Books