This image is the cover for the book From Sea to Sea, or Clint Webb's Cruise on the Windjammer, Classics To Go

From Sea to Sea, or Clint Webb's Cruise on the Windjammer, Classics To Go

Excerpt: "The after port anchor had come inboard before I stepped over the rail of the Gullwing, and leaped to the deck. The starboard and port bowers were both catted and fished and the stay-fore-sail had filled to pay off her head. The wind was blowing directly on shore; the current ran parallel with the land; there was no choice of direction in getting the big four-master under weigh, and she was headed into the stream. A clarion voice shouted from the poop: “Haul main-tack! “Come aft with that sheet! “Set jib and spanker! Look alive there! “Mr. Gates! see if you can’t get some action out of your watch!” “Aye, aye, sir!” from the mate. “Helm a-lee! hard a-lee!” “Hard a-lee she is!” growled the helmsman, a great, hairy, two-fisted salt, with an enormous quid of tobacco in one cheek, a cast in his eye, and his blue shirt so wide open at the throat that we could catch a glimpse of a dashing looking mermaid, in blue and red, upon his chest. “Set fore-sail! Be alive, there, Mr. Barney. Those men of yours act as stiff as Paddy’s father—and him nine days dead!”"

W. Bert Foster

W. Bert Foster, (1869-1929) was an US author who specialized in the Dime Novel and several of whose Western tales were made into silent films; his sf of most interest – like "At Land's End" (May-November 1901 Argosy), a Near Future tale in which the Arctic is explored by airplane; and "When Time Slipped a Cog" (January-May 1905 All-Story), which combines Timeslip and Amnesia – did not reach book form. The Lost Expedition (1905) is borderline Sci.Fi.

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