This image is the cover for the book 365 Days of Gratitude

365 Days of Gratitude

Becoming aware of our Divine Magnificence is a choice that only you can make. It requires daily introspection and commitment to your life’s purpose. Consistently embracing this awareness elevates the self to a new way of being. During challenging moments, it is always your choice to persevere. By persevering, you learn how to appreciate all things in the present moment. In doing so, you become one with all things. Observing the way we navigate life wisely opens us up to living in a state of gratitude. This becomes the catalyst to change and indeed transform our inner narrative and reality. Choosing this way requires us to surrender and to hold a deep trust in the process of change. This is simple yet profound. When our purpose is to master greatness from within, we embark on a journey of soul purification. The quest then becomes crystal clear: how do I achieve this? The answer lies within you – know it intimately. Dare to practice it. Be present for yourself each day and carry on regardless. After a while, look inward once more and keep looking. Feeling compelled to repeat the process to become one with all things? Then do so until you have mastered it. There is a way within you to discover and embody your truth and your authentic self in the present moment. Can you feel it?

Emy Fortune

In the process, I became no body, no environment, no time and nothing in the vast space of all there is. I have chosen to unite myself to the field of infinite possibilities and this is a choice I do make all day, every single day. I have chosen to become nothing to then become everything—as the greatest teacher of all times, Dr Joe Dispenza, has been teaching me so far. And as everything, I am here now. Therefore, you are feeling the power of the words within. I am a divine expression of love and light in the world and this is more than enough to know now. I am the one who is also in the process of finding more and more love within me. Yet, each day I choose to sit with my magnificent presence, the love and silence within—keep healing me beyond all. In the hardest of times, I choose it even more anyway. And for those who are initiating in the process, I am a humble soul to confirm that yes, it is truly possible when you are willing to sit and be still with the most precious cargo you possess: you and you alone. And for those who are wondering who I am, the answer is simple: I am, and this is all. I choose and bless the willingness to become a beacon of love and light in this world. This is the reason I am here now choosing and loving myself unconditionally and so, daring to live it with you now. Always speak love, light and laugh into your existence and remember: I am.

Austin Macauley Publishers