This image is the cover for the book The Opportunity of Unemployment

The Opportunity of Unemployment

Unemployment and the prospect of unemployment effects everyone today. Whilst there are many sources of help to deal with this problem, they can be unhelpful, unsympathetic, and prejudiced. This book looks at all the different elements of the first experience, both from a personal and a practical point of view. Three sections are given, starting with coping with the shock and the first stage of unemployment. It records the known effects upon you as a person and its impact upon your self-confidence and your financial position. But it records ways to control such damaging elements as a starting measure. The second section defines essential activities and actions which you can personally take to rectify the problem and use the experience as an opportunity to improve your whole lifestyle. The final section establishes the ways needed to ensure those improvements can be made permanent. The book's structure is designed as a kind of "Sat Nav" route which you can travel to move from a bad experience to a better, happier and more successful long-term lifestyle.

Malcolm F Plumb

At the grand old age of 77, I have, very reluctantly, decided to retire after a 61-year working life. But I still refuse to be inactive! The only 'tool' of my working life has been the pen. Reading and writing have, therefore, been a principle occupational activity for many years. So, I have decided to try to become an author. I left school in 1956, aged 15, with no certificates whatsoever. I started work as an 'office boy' (junior clerk). In 2017, I completed my last job as town clerk for a council in the East Midlands. I have been a manager of a large school's resources centre for 15 years; admin officer in a university's careers' advisory service for 12 years; a county council redeployment officer for five years; and numerous other employment posts, both full time and part time. I have a post-graduate diploma in management and thoroughly enjoy researching matters, particularly, but not restricted to, occupational employment matters. I am a family man and remain a lifetime supporter of Nottingham Forest Football Club (This has proved to be quite a challenging exercise during the last few years and I count this as both an attribute and achievement!).

Austin Macauley Publishers