This image is the cover for the book The City Of Beautiful Nonsense, Classics To Go

The City Of Beautiful Nonsense, Classics To Go

The City of Beautiful Nonsense was a best-selling novel written by Ernest Temple Thurston. It became the inspiration for two films. It was originally published by Chapman and Hall in 1909. As well as being a vehicle for Edwardian romanticism, the novel shares the Roman Catholic faith of its author with its main characters. It is a tale of two cities: mainly Edwardian London, but also Venice.

Ernest Temple Thurston

Ernest Temple Thurston (1879-1933) was a British author, journalist, and playwright known for his works of fiction, travel writing, and theatrical plays. He was a prolific writer who explored a wide range of genres and subjects during his literary career. Ernest Temple Thurston was a versatile writer who explored various genres and topics in his literary career. His novels, travel writing, and plays provided readers with insights into the society and culture of his time. While some of his works may have faded from public memory, they remain a part of the literary landscape of the early 20th century.

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