Family Illness is a realistic fictional piece of work written to give mature readers a sense of what it is like for someone to grow up afflicted with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Steve, the main character, suffers as a child in the 1980s, growing up in a secular Jewish household. He has lots of physical and verbal tics while in school but lives in fear that his secret living with a mental illness in a hostile world will be revealed. As Steve grows up into a young adult, his illness plays tricks on him, making him question every moral aspect of his life. His fears intensify at the same time as he learns that a family member has OCD as well. This encourages Steve to fight back, but he wonders if he has lost too much of his life to the disease.
Evan Wechman is a freelance journalist who has reported on other political and cultural issues occurring in society. He is also a professional speaker who addresses obsessive compulsive disorder and other mental health issues to help erase the stigma of living with a mental illness. Evan grew up suffering in silence from damaging effects of OCD but has learned how to fight back.