Rogan had assembled the biggest army Ravenna had ever seen. Everything was coming together to strike at the very heart of the despised black guard and their Orsk handlers. Win this one battle and Rogan could put a stop to the insidious slave trade that saw human women sold to the Orsk as incubators for their detestable design to breed hybrid warriors. Follow Rogan as his alliance of realms battle the enemy on their soil and watch as he risks everything with one roll of the dice. Will the One True God look favourably on his aspirations to free the captives and restore balance to the Shattered Realms, or will the legendary black guard and their invincible, military machine crush his dreams, and drive his army back into the sea that separates the two nations?
Shane Kind is a native of the northwest of England and moved south to follow his work as a postal worker, now retired. He began writing novels in school but never took then any further until late in life when he was greatly encouraged by the reception he received for a fanfiction-based story he submitted online; the rest, as they say, is history.