This image is the cover for the book A Quest to Get Home Bound

A Quest to Get Home Bound

It is the midst of the Second World War and rationing is tightening everyone’s belts. Yet down the dark alleyways of the French capital Paris, you would find a man who could get you anything on the underground market.
When a captured American ranger receives news from home, he knows he must escape from the Nazi prison camp in East Germany and embark on a quest to get to a neutral land, so he may return to his wife in America. Unexpectedly the ranger finds himself becoming mixed up in the Paris black-market syndicate. Can he survive long enough to afford his escape? Can he be homebound once again?

Charles.G. Fournel

Charles.G.Fournel grew up in a small seaside town in Suffolk, England. He is a divorced, devoted father of two. He started writing short stories at the age of ten and since has expanded his genre to World War II. He has family connections in both the allies and axis during the war. This is the reason for his extended interest in this era. He has grown to have great respect for resistance groups who, without any military experience, took up arms for their country. Other books by Charles.G.Fournel: Rise of the Maquis.

Austin Macauley Publishers