This image is the cover for the book Fred the Fly

Fred the Fly

Some things in life can be quite annoying at times - like flies, spiders, and mosquitoes. However, it is important to remember that every living thing is trying to make its way through life in the best way it can. We all are. Some lives are pretty tricky though. And you know, we have all annoyed someone at some point – even you have – but that doesn’t mean that we are bad and deserve to be squished! This is a little story about some things which you might have experienced… and it might make you think a little differently about them. Or it might not. That is for you to decide. The best way to find out is to read this book - or ask someone kind to read it to you, maybe when you’re in your bed, ready for a nice snooze. Hopefully you will enjoy the story, and sleep well.

Tim Slater

Tim has had several ideas for books and stories over the last few years, with this being the first one to have been sent to a publisher. He is hoping that this is the start of a new and exciting chapter in his life. Tim lives in Knutsford, Cheshire, with his daughter, Erin, and his dog, Barney.