This image is the cover for the book Haunted Hotels of Southern Colorado, Haunted America

Haunted Hotels of Southern Colorado, Haunted America

The footsteps of silver kings, grizzled miners and sleek saloon girls faded, but their dark shadows still whisper in the halls and glide silently down the stairs. Heartbroken Dr. Luigi ended his life with a .45 at Silverton's Grand Imperial but still makes his nightly rounds, checking on guests' health. Furious Liz, abandoned by her lover, breaks dishes and throws pots around the Forest Queen's kitchen. The laughter of the Tarabino children echoes through the halls of their home, now the Tarabino Inn. In the silence of the night, pretty Ellar Day screams bloody murder at the Beaumont. Author Nancy Williams revisits the unbridled revelry, scandalous romps and grand gala affairs that characterized the unique hotels where the paranormal persists.

Nancy Williams

Exploring the mountains, the old abandoned mining camps and deserted diggings has always fascinated Nancy. A lifetime in the West has given her plenty of opportunities to learn about the many different people who struggled to carve out their lives amid its beauty and massive challenges. Her first magazine article was about a haunted Mother Lode hotel, and it was followed by many others and the books Haunted Hotels of the California Gold Country and Haunted Hotels of Northern Colorado.

Haunted America